Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunday Thoughts

I wrote this on my other blog last week.

Subject: Goals/Blessed

I finally have some goals picked out and a way to achieve them. At the same time I feel very blessed and happy to have the life I live. Now of course it comes with ups and Downs like everyone Else’s but I feel really happy about the life I’m living. Everything that you want in life will come to you if you work hard and I’m now seeing the results of doing that. Now you’re always going to have people who will hate on you rather because they can’t do it, because they can’t aren’t you, or because you actually put the work in to achieve it. You have to say FUCK IT!!! and do you. Because the fact of the matter is that they can’t be you. So with that said….follow your dreams and DO YOU!!!!!!

From here on out...#thatisall

I'm not a big Wale fan but this quote go hard.

I'm finally seeing it happen....

Be happy and gratefully for what you DO have.

LOL!!!!!! I don't smoke anymore but this is too funny.
I have a homeboy that lives by this.

I'm gonna find a girl who will just believe me on this.

So far, this is going well for me!!!!!!

Remember that!!!!!!

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