6 projects in two years, + one in the making,
+ about 3 more to come = 2 kids with a vision, a
dream and the drive to make it happen.
Desperate Measures
5ive & 13irteen
Do What I Won't
The Baroque Period
LIttle Giants
A Work in Progress (coming soon)
Plaid Shirts & PBR (coming soon)

Ever have that feeling that you can see things
before they happen and know it's meant to be?
Well Chris and I feeling that way right now.
We're gonna make it. I've never felt this good about anything
in my life. #Madrid

Why I work so hard on music all the time....

Thinking of you... yeah you ;)

#Madrid #5ive & 13irteen

rolling solo...

I'm shy, timid, slow on the draw
ignore em when they close but love em from a far
star, naww thats not on my mind,
I been on a mission for that one im tryna find
but i get caught living life by the rhyme
living life on the grind, just living like I,
be 20-something on my birthday
its a catch 22 i want a girl to support me,
call me up when im out on the road
come to a couple shows and critique a nigga flow
well yes no maybe so, thats what im lookin for Tay
i just dont know
so, imma be a bachelor
It's a big pooh thing smooth oper-a-torr
the next time that im in for sure, ill probly fall to the hands of the lord..
-Rapper Big Pooh