Wednesday, January 12, 2011

The Inter(view) series Installment #2 w/ Carol Ann "crlnn"

Alright y'all here's the 2nd installment of Inter(view) with the homegirl "Carol".
Let's get into it.

F110: Just for a brief introduction please state your name, city and state you’re from and the website you represent.

Name: Carol Ann
Location: Brampton/Greater Toronto Area, Ontario, Canada

F110: How did you get into blogging and writing?

Carol: I used to write about my daily happenings on a social site called AsianAvenue, but it wasn't an official blog. It wasn't until 2004 when I finally got a LiveJournal account. It wasn't anything too serious. It was just me taking out frustrations and just writing about anything on my mind. I usEd to TyPe Like *thiS and sHyT. It's interesting to see how much I've matured. lol

F110: How long have you been writing and what inspires you to keep doing it?

Carol: I've been blogging for about 6 years now. To be honest, I don't get to say everything I want anymore, well not publicly anyway. I've gotten myself in trouble a few times from my blog now (messed up some close relationships) and I've learned my lesson. Just keep it positive. If you got nothing good to say, just...don't.

F110: What do you feel is your general message is to public when you write /blog?

Carol: Keep it positive and drama-free...and Be happy!

F110: I see that you’re a currently studying design. How did you get into that?

Carol: I've always loved art. Then I wondered how I could get a job in art. I figured anything in the design field would do. Tried architecture but that didn't work out. So now I'm doing my Bachelor of Interior Design and I love what I do.

F110: What does Miss Carol do when she’s not writing /blogging?

Carol: I like to do what any 21 year old would do (sleep, hang out, drink, clubbing, etc.). I also doodle/sketch. School work takes up a lot of my time as well.

F110: What’s on heavy rotation in your iPod right now?

Carol: To be honest, I haven't listened to my iPod the past 2 weeks while I was on vacation. Just tried to enjoy and cherish my time with family.

F110:What do you feel you get the most out of writing?

Carol: I'll be honest. Sometimes, I feel like I'm not 100%. But that's because of past mistakes (refer to question 3) and too much people knowing about my blog (LiveJournal and Blogspot). So nowadays, my blog (my tumblr) is more of a place where I post my artwork, anything that really interests me, and just blog about positive things. I try to cut out all the negative. Blogging is more of a memory box now. Not so much a place to express my stress.

F110: And finally, what are your personal goals for the next 5 yrs. / where do you see yourself?

Carol: In the next 5 years, I hope I'm still blogging. I'll probably blog less, but it's always nice to look back at old entries and just reminisce. Besides the blogosphere, I see myself being in a stable position in the design world. I see myself being really close to having my own company. I also see myself being well-traveled, settled, and happy.

Well there y'all have it...another Inter(view) done. And just in case you missed the 1st installment with my homegirl
Pearl from pensivepearlsays you can check it out here: Ms. Pearl

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